40% OFF on  Laser Hair Removal

We offer the Gentle Pro, The gold standard in laser hair removal and so much more.



GentleMax Pro Laser

We are the first in Richmond Hill to offer this laser treatment!

The GentleMax Pro® is the newest, most popular and most effective laser treatment to remove unwanted hair, eliminate spider, facial and leg veins, and clear age spots and Sun Spots. The Richmond hill cosmetic clinics clients find GentleMax Pro to be one of the most effective, safest and most comfortable laser hair removal treatments on the market. And unlike other lasers, GentleMax Pro can be used on all skin types.

How many laser treatments are needed for facial hair?

You'll see results after your first appointment, but it'll take several treatments to permanently remove hair. In four to six sessions, spaced about four weeks apart, you'll see 70 to 80 percent reduction in hair growth. For best results, get maintenance treatments done once a year for at least a couple years.


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Richmond Hill Cosmetic Clinic
Richmond Hill Cosmetic Clinic

GentleMax Pro Laser

We are the first in Winnipeg to offer this laser treatment!

The GentleMax Pro® is the newest, most popular and most effective laser treatment to remove unwanted hair, eliminate spider, facial and leg veins, and clear age spots and Sun Spots. The Richmond hill cosmetic clinics clients find GentleMax Pro to be one of the most effective, safest and most comfortable laser hair removal treatments on the market. And unlike other lasers, GentleMax Pro can be used on all skin types.

Start Your Treatment  Today

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We welcome you to schedule a laser hair removal consultation, free of charge and find out what your treatment plan will involve.

skin type

Skin type – pigment, skin thickness

hair thickness laser hair removal

The hair colour and thickness

tan skin har removal

Tan present on the skin

laser hair removal toronto

1-A laser produces a beam of highly concentrated light.

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2-The gentle light emitted by the laser is absorbed by the pigment located in the hair follicles.

3-The follicle is either destroyed or damaged sufficiently through absorption of that energy to prevent re-growth.

How Laser Hair Removal Works?

During laser hair removal, a laser emits a light that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair. The light energy is converted to heat, which damages the tube-shaped sacs within the skin (hair follicles) that produce hairs. This damage inhibits or delays future hair growth.

before laser hair removalafter laser hair reoval
before laser hair removalafter laser hair reoval


Here’s what our happy drivers had to say about our services:

The staff here are courteous, prompt and extremely professional. Pouneh is always helpful, she always goes above and beyond – Thank you again for the great service!

The Richmondhill Cosmetic Clinic is the best. My whole family uses their services. You will not find better or more services under one roof.
5 stars!

Ray Amirnia

12 years and counting ! Hoda and her team are professional , honest and the place is state of the art when it comes to the best in products and technology. I’ve been a client for 12 years and counting

Grant Harvey


Other laser hair removal treatments don’t cater to all skin types, but there’s a Gentle Hair Removal treatment that’s right for you, no matter what your skin tone. Check out the infographic below to learn what your skin type is, and talk to your practitioner about which Gentle treatment is right for you.

A treatment can take as little as a few minutes to as long as an hour, depending on the treatment area and the condition being treated. Both legs can often be treated in as few as 15 minutes, as can an average-sized man’s back.

Some patients may feel slight discomfort, which has been compared to snapping a rubber band against the skin. This discomfort resolves quickly and is minimized by our patented Dynamic Cooling Device. Be sure and feel free to consult talk this over with your practitioner.

Multiple treatments are required to achieve a full hair removal effect. That’s because hair grows in the three stages mentioned above:

1. Anagen (the growth stage): Hair is thickest and darkest, so laser treatments are most effective.
2. Catagen (the transitional stage): The hair begins to loosen from its follicle.
3. Telogen (the shedding stage): The hair falls out to make room for new growth.

The hairs on your body are not always at the same stage, so you’ll need to undergo a few treatments, an average of six weeks apart, to catch them all in the growth stage.

For about six weeks prior to treatment, you should avoid plucking, electrolysis or waxing. On the day of your treatment, the skin should be clean-shaven and thoroughly cleansed of any makeup, creams, oils, topical anesthetics or self-tanning products. Apply sunblock (SPF 30 or above) before your treatment.
Do not expose the treatment area to sunlight or tanning booth light prior to or immediately after treatment. If you have a history of herpes simplex virus, a prophylactic antiviral therapy may be prescribed.

A cool compress or gel pack may be applied for additional comfort after your treatment. Any redness or swelling should resolve in a few hours.

After your laser treatment, prevent sun exposure by applying sunblock (SPF 30 or above). In the first few days after treatment, don’t scrub or rinse the treated areas with abrasive skin cleansers. Your practitioner may advise additional precautions.

Permanent side effects are rare and may include redness, swelling, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, blistering and purpura (laser bruise) in the treated area—these usually do not last more than a few days. Your practitioner will have more information about potential side effects.

Most insurance companies do not offer reimbursement for cosmetic procedures. Consult your insurance carrier for conclusive information.


1 Session

  • Full Body

3 Sessions

  • Full Body

6 Sessions

  • Full Body