Yes! Other laser hair removal portfolio don’t cater to all skin types, but there’s a Gentle Hair Removal treatment that’s right for you, no matter what your skin tone. Check out the infographic below to learn what your skin type is, and talk to your practitioner about which Gentle treatment is right for you.
A treatment can take as little as a few minutes to as long as an hour, depending on the treatment area and the condition being treated. Both legs can often be treated in as few as 15 minutes, as can an average-sized man’s back.
Some patients may feel slight discomfort, which has been compared to snapping a rubber band against the skin. This discomfort resolves quickly and is minimized by our patented Dynamic Cooling Device. Be sure and feel free to consult talk this over with your practitioner. 

Multiple portfolio are required to achieve the full hair removal effect. That’s because hair grows in the three stages mentioned above:

1. Anagen (the growth stage): Hair is thickest and darkest, so laser portfolio are most effective. 2. Catagen (the transitional stage): The hair begins to loosen from its follicle. 3. Telogen (the shedding stage): The hair falls out to make room for new growth. The hairs on your body are not always at the same stage, so you’ll need to undergo a few portfolio, an average of six weeks apart, to catch them all in the growth stage.

For about six weeks prior to treatment, you should avoid plucking, electrolysis or waxing. On the day of your treatment, skin should be clean-shaven and thoroughly cleansed of any makeup, creams, oils, topical anesthetics or self-tanning products. Apply sunblock (SPF 30 or above) before your treatment. Do not expose the treatment area to sunlight or tanning booth light prior to or immediately after treatment. If you have a history of herpes simplex virus, a prophylactic antiviral therapy may be prescribed.