Project Description

Tear Trough Correction

Tear  troughs correct without surgery

Unsightly   tear  troughs  can be  corrected  without surgery. Using tiny injections of Belotero or Restylane, patients can see a dramatic improvement in moderately deep  tear troughs. Both injections are types of dermal fillers, comprised of hyaluronic acid.

In general, you can expect dermal fillers injected into the tear trough to last anywhere from  six to nine months. After  6 to 9 months, the dermal fillers will get broken down by the body, and the effects of the filler will fade.

What Are the Primary Causes of Tear Troughs?

A tear trough deformity can happen to anyone, at any time. It usually is the result of skin and muscle laxity that may occur for a number of reasons.
​​​​​​​A tear trough deformity can happen to anyone, at any time. It usually is the result of skin and muscle laxity that may occur for a number of reasons. For instance, genetics, diet, stress, sun exposure, and various lifestyle factors may cause a younger person to suffer deep tear troughs. Comparatively, an older individual becomes more likely to encounter deep tear troughs due to aging.

Young patients seeking advice on “eye bags” may actually be suffering from a “Negative Vector Orbit”. Negative Vector Orbits are usually caused by an under-formed cheekbone under your eye that gives you a “prominent eye” appearance in which the eyeball and normal fat of the lower eyelid protrudes farther than the cheekbone. This casts a shadow and gives the appearance of dark circles under the eyelids.


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