Under Eye Filler

Tear Trough Under Eye Filler

under Eye Filler has become a popular treatment that can make your eyes look brighter and appear more awake. Dermal filler is placed under the eyes to fill in the “hollow” seen in patients with deep-set eyes.

What To Expect During Treatment

Because there are so many different dermal filler products with unique applications, our highly trained staff starts by working with you to understand what you want to accomplish and determine which fillers work best for you.

The treatment takes about 30 minutes. Our specially trained professional injector will inject the fillers into targeted locations. There is minimal discomfort. There may be minimal redness or swelling, but this dissipates quickly.

Typically, you can continue your daily routine (after a brief wait in our office) without any downtime needed for recovery.

What Are The Results Of Treatment?

You’ll see some improvement right after the treatment, with additional improvement in the next couple of weeks. Filler treatments can last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years depending on the brand and how quickly your body metabolizes the product. You’ll find yourself looking younger and more rested, that will have others wondering how you look so good.

How To Learn More

If you’d like to know more, schedule an appointment. Our staff will evaluate you and often, the treatment can be done in the same trip.

*Pricing based on standard treatment costs, for the most accurate pricing a personalized consultation is required.