Things you should know about getting lip fillers

The popular cosmetic treatment involves the injection of a dermal filler to plump and alter the shape of the face. While permanent silicone fillers have been used in the past, most people prefer to opt for hyaluronic acid-based fillers like Juvederm, for more temporary results.

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring molecule that is found in your body, and any injected amounts will be absorbed into the body after a few months.

As popular as the treatment is, it is not without complications. The non-surgical side of the cosmetics industry is almost entirely unregulated, with any regulations being introduced relatively recently.

Things about getting lip fillers


What are lip fillers made of?

“Most practitioners use a Collagen or Hyaluronic Acid (HA) based filler which inject

into the lip, to increase volume and size. Collagen works purely by plumping the lip

whilst the hyaluronic acid fillers work by not only plumping the lip directly but also trapping

water within lips for a natural, plump pout.

Juvederm, is that the best kind?

“There are several types of filler on the market. For me juvederm is best company.

But what people fail to realise is that there are several types of fillers within the juvederm

range all with different properties. For lips the best two are from the juvederm vycross range:

juvederm vobella for very subtle lips and juvederm volift for a more noticeable but still natural enhancement.”

How much filler do you need?

“One of the biggest things people often don’t realise with lip augmentation is

that achieving the look you want won’t necessarily happen overnight.

If you have very thin lips and want to achieve a very full but natural look,

this can take a few sessions and therefore be more expensive.

They key is building layers in stages and I personally do this with my microdroplet linear

injection technique which allows me to build a whole new lip for the patient in terms of size

and shape over time.”

Does it hurt?

“Depending on who carries out the procedure, the pain can vary. Personally,

I choose to use a dental block so my patients don’t feel a thing.

But many people rely on numbing gel, which can still cause uncomfort.”

How long do they last?

This varies on the substance used and the age of the patient.

On average most people need top ups every 4 to 6 months routinely to keep up the desired size.

Are the results instant?

“Straight after the procedure, your lips will be slightly swollen.

I advise patients to ice their lips at first and take arnica tablets to prevent bruising.

After around 24 hours the swelling will have settled and you can see the final result”


What are the chances of lip fillers going wrong?

“This varies with what substance is used but it’s also vary rare.

Most doctors have switched to the HA fillers as they last longer than most collagen fillers.

There can be between a 1- 3 % allergic reaction with collagen skin portfolio

but it is extremely rare with hyaluronic acid fillers.”

Can you get the filler taken out if you just don’t like it?

One advantage of HA acid fillers over the collagen fillers is that they can remove

with an enzyme called hyaluronidase even before they naturally dissolve.

So if errors do occur these can be quickly corrected.

If you decide that you want to have the treatment, it’s pretty much up to you to

make sure you’re in safe hands. So, do your research.

What qualifications do they have? Where is the clinic? What do past patients say?

Before you even set eyes on a syringe, you should know the brand name,

ingredients and the strength of what is being injected into you.



At Richmond Hill Cosmetic Clinic, our highly trained and experienced team of board-certified cosmetic doctors and other medical professionals are devoted to helping you look and feel your very best.

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