Some skincare concerns are incredibly straightforward. You have a sunburn? Reach for some anti-inflammatory aloe to help soothe the redness and irritation. Your t-zone is extra oily? Incorporate ingredients like salicylic acid and witch hazel into your routine to help balance your oil and make way for a more mattified visage.

One skincare concern that’s not as obvious as far as treatments go? Dry elbows. While you might think that applying any hydrating cream would do the trick, if you’ve ever actually had dry elbows, then you know that’s not the case. And that’s precisely why we thought it was high time to reach out to the experts on the matter. Ahead, find out how board-certified dermatologists Alicia Zalka, MD; Corey L. Hartman, MD; Sandy Skotnicki, MD; and Tiffany J. Libby, MD, address the most stubborn elbow skin.

1. Apply Products While Your Elbows Are Damp

While applying lotions, creams, or ointments to wet skin may seem like it would inhibit the product from actually sinking in, Zalka says that the opposite is actually true. In fact, she says that doing so will actually help lock in hydration and further support the skin barrier, which is vital in healing and caring for dry elbow skin.1

2. Opt for Thicker Products

No matter how hydrating a gel cream claims to be, when it comes to your elbows, Hartman says that it’s best to opt for thicker formulas that can really create a barrier between your elbow skin and the outside world, thus helping to keep moisture in and drying elements out.

His go-to? Bio-Oil Dry Skin Gel ($13). “It has a unique formulation that gives the finish of a body oil in a thicker vehicle that is easier to spread and less messy,” he says. “It’s the perfect final seal for an impaired skin barrier during the harsh winter months when transepidermal water loss increases and dry skin and skin irritation emerge.”

3. Skip the Super Hot Shower

Skotnicki says that as wonderful as a steamy shower may feel, especially during the colder months of the year, it can actually make matters worse for your elbows and skin at large. (Especially considering dry elbows are commonly associated with winter. ) “Don’t over shower or bathe in hot water—it will dry out elbows more,” she warns.

4. Use Mild Cleansers

Another thing to keep in mind while showering and bathing? The cleansers you use. “Use cleansers that are mild and don’t dry out the skin when washing the elbows,” Skotnicki says, noting that if your elbows are not dirty, then you don’t need to suds up that area at all. After all, over-cleansing is another way to quickly dry out your ‘bows.

5. Wear an Ointment Overnight

Just like slugging—the practice of finishing a nighttime skincare routine with an occlusive ointment—can make a world of difference for how hydrated your skin is come morning, so can wearing ointment on your elbows overnight, Hartman says. “Apply your ointment of choice overnight and cover [your elbows] with long sleeves to intensify the effect of the ointment on the skin and repair the barrier while you sleep,” he instructs.

6. Consider Chemical Exfoliation

Sometimes ointments can’t work their magic because there are too many built-up dead skin cells in the way. With that in mind, Libby says to consider using creams infused with chemical exfoliants, like alpha-hydroxy acids. Her recommendation? Glytone Ultra Softening Hand and Elbow Cream ($54). “It’s made with glycolic acid, which helps exfoliate rough and dead skin buildup, while vitamin E helps restore moisture,” she explains.

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How do you fix severely dry elbows?

moisturizing regularly, especially after a swim, bath or shower. using a body wash with added moisturizers. using a formulated moisturizer to treat a specific skin condition, such as eczema. using elbow pads if a person rests on hard surfaces for a long time.

What causes extremely dry elbows?

Some common reasons for dry elbows include exposure to cold air, frequent hot baths or showers, swimming, dry climates, or a skin condition like psoriasis or eczema.



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Try blending Hydrating B5 Gel with EltaMD UV Daily in the winter (when your skin is a bit drier) and with EltaMD UV Clear in the summer (when your skin is oilier and doesn’t need the extra hydration, but needs an acne fighting boost). Tell us how you are using Hydrating B5 Gel as your skin’s wingman!