Peeling After Micro Needling

Is peeling normal after Microneedling?

Are you experiencing skin peeling after microneedling?

It is normal for the skin to peeling after micro needling portfolio within a few days. Microneedling creates a large number of tiny punctures on your face, which your body responds to by initiating repair. A new layer of skin produce and the old skin begins peeling off. The peeling will be minimal, similar to a mild sunburn. This will subside within a few days, leaving you with a youthful, glowing look and feel.

Peeling After Micro Needling

After a microneedling procedure, it is also common to have a scabby texture around the area where the microneedling was done. This is perfectly normal. The scabby texture and the extent of the area affected will generally depend on the depth of the microneedling. If you have any concerns, contact your doctor for a follow-up appointment.

Peeling After Micro Needling

There are many benefits to having a microneedling procedure:
1. Hyperpigmentation. Post procedure, when the skin begins to shed, it will allow the production of normal melanocytes, which will rid you of hyperpigmentation caused by abnormal melanocytes.
2. Age spots. As the skin peels, it minimizes the age spot appearance on your skin, making you look younger.

  1. Wrinkles, scars, face lines and stretch marks. As the skin peels post procedure, the new skin underneath will have a fresh, clean, younger look.

Purpose of Microneedling

The goal of microneedling is to create a controlled injury and forcing the body to respond by producing more collagen in the treated area. The needles create micro passageways, without damaging the epidermis. It has been shown that rolling with a standard dermaroller over an area 15 times will result in approximately 250 holes per square centimeter. Tested histological findings of skin tissue that had been microneedled with 0.5-1.5 millimeter-long needles revealed that they stimulated massive growth of elastin, collagen fibers and neovascularization. Most studies were done on patients primed with topical Vitamin A and Vitamin C creams 4, 5 and 6. This procedure also call “percutaneous collagen induction therapy” .

Peeling After Micro Needling

Microneedling Side Effects and Post-Procedure Care

Microneedling generally well tolerate, but erythema (redness of the skin due to inflammation) may be seen after treatment, typically lasting for 2 to 3 days. Skin may also feel warm, tight and itchy for a short while. This normally resolves in 12 to 48 hours. Staying out of the sun for a week advise, and local antibiotic creams may prescribe. The puncture holes close within 60 to 90 minutes, making infections unlikely. The procedure well accept by patients, is cost effective, and can done on all skin types. It is also excellent for areas which are not suitable for peeling or laser resurfacing, such as near the eyes. Microneedling with Dermapen can combine with other acne scar portfolio like subcision, chemical peels, microdermabrasion and fractional resurfacing, thus maximizing the benefits to the patients.

Peeling After Micro Needling


2 to 3 days
How long does skin peel after Microneedling? Immediately following the treatment, the skin will feel very smooth and tight. The skin will generally begin peeling in 2 to 3 days; however peeling can take place anytime for the next 7 days.
After-care instructions for MicroNeedling Treatment:

Use tepid water for the initial 24 hours to rinse the treated area. After 24 hours, use a gentle cleanser to cleanse the face for the following 72 hours and gently dry the treated skin. Always make sure that your hands are clean when touching the treated area.

While chemical peels do work well for a lot of people, my experience has been that microneedling is a better and safer fit for the average person. Microneedling can achieve the same results as chemical peels, without the invasiveness and risks (infection, changes to pigmentation, and scarring).


At Richmond Hill Cosmetic Clinic, our highly trained and experienced team of board-certified cosmetic doctors and other medical professionals are devoted to helping you look and feel your very best.

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