Laser Pigmentation Removal

Skin Conditions Treated

  • Freckles
  • Sun Spots
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Age spots (solar lentigines)
  • Flat pigmented birthmarks (congenital melanocytic naevi)

About the treatment

For over 10 years our award winning Laser and Skin Clinics

we have been successfully treating all types of skin pigmentation from freckle removal,

sun spots to age spots on facial and body areas.

Skin pigmentation marks are a build up of melanocytes (cells containing melanin) under the skin typically referred to as freckles and age spots on the hands, face and body areas. Different types of laser can use depending on the type of pigmentation. If pigmentation is in superficial lesions, then the Gentlemax pro Pigmentation Removal treatment is effective in removing pigmentation in as little as 1-3 portfolio. The treatment will also depend on the area treat, the type of pigmentation, and level of recovery time. Laser treatment is one of the most advanced portfolio for removing unwanted pigmentation on the skin such as age spots, sun spots, and freckles.

Skin Pigmentation Removal with Gentlemax pro is a quick, gentle and non-invasive treatment. This specially designed laser absorbe only by the cells containing excessive concentrations of pigment. It does not affect the surrounding tissues or remove the normal skin colour. The light pulses produced by the laser can feel similar to the flicking of a rubber elastic band and for most people is not too uncomfortable. Immediate darkening notice after treatment. For 7-10 days the area will look like a dark scab which eventually sheds off.

For deep pigmentation such as melasma, ActiveFX Laser Resurfacing is the skin pigmentation treatment of choice which can remove up to 80% of melanin in one treatment.

How does Laser Pigmentation Removal work?

The Gentlemax pro produces a wavelength of high energy light, which is then converted into heat energy. This can target the specific area of pigmentation because the laser absorbe only by cells containing an excessive concentration of pigmentation. This causes efficient destruction while leaving the surrounding tissue undamaged.

Benefits of Pigmentation Removal with Gentlemax pro

  • Can minimise and eliminate the appearance of pigmentation
  • Treats body and facial areas
  • Minimal side effects and recovery time
  • Make-up can be worn after treatment

At Richmond Hill Cosmetic Clinic we use state-of-the-art Gentlemax pro lasers to perform the treatment and are experienced in the reduction of superficial pigmentation delivering fantastic results.

Laser Pigmentation Removal works to safely and effectively reduce the appearance of freckles, pigmentation and post-trauma pigmentation including acne scars and age spots. The laser targets only the pigmented lesion in the skin which absorbs the light, without damaging the surrounding skin. The laser heats up and shatters the pigment. The pigment is then drawn to the surface without harming the surrounding tissue.
So once drawn to the surface, the pigmented lesions will fade or dry and flake off the treated area, leaving the skin with an even tone and complexion.

Other treatment options

There are a number of other treatment options available to you. For more information and to understand which is right for you, book a complimentary consultation with one of our highly trained skin therapists.





Can laser remove pigmentation completely?

Can laser remove pigmentation completely?

The most common IPL™ treatment for pigmentation is BroadBand Light (BBL™), which uses focused light energy to destroy pigment in cells. It is effective in eliminating broken capillaries, diffusing redness and can even fade birthmarks.