Juvederm is a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler. There are several products in the Juvederm family. They all are used to help people address the facial signs of aging. Each product in the Juvederm line features different bonding and concentrations of hyaluronic acid. The different products are each tailored to target specific problems when injected into different areas and depths. Juvederm fillers have a smooth, gel-like consistency.

Juvederm types:

  • Juvederm Voluma XC adds volume beneath your skin’s surface to increase the size of your cheeks.
  • Juvederm XC and Juvederm Vollure XC address the loss of skin elasticity and fill out wrinkles and lines around the mouth and nose — known as smile lines.
  • Juvederm Ultra XC and Juvederm Volbella XC work as nonsurgical lip enhancement treatments.

Fast facts


  • Juvederm is a cosmetic treatment referred to as a filler. It’s used to restore facial contours and improve signs of aging.
  • It’s an injectable dermal filler with a base of hyaluronic acid.
  • It’s a treatment that focuses on the face, specifically the cheeks, lips, and around the mouth.
  • The procedure to inject the product takes 15 to 60 minutes.
  • It’s one of the most common nonsurgical cosmetic procedures done in the U.S.


  • The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Juvederm in 2006.
  • More than 2.4 million procedures using hyaluronic acid-based fillers (including Juvederm) were performed in 2016.


  • In 2016, the average cost per hyaluronic acid-based filler treatment, like Juvederm, was $620.


  • Results are often noticeable immediately after a procedure.
  • Results can last one to two years.

Preparing for Juvederm

Before a Juvederm treatment, speak with a medical professional about your cosmetic goals and expectations. Juvederm procedures are minimally invasive so they’re frequently done on the same day as the consultation. The procedure is minimally invasive and doesn’t need much preparation.

Simple instructions to follow before your consultation and treatment generally involve avoiding medication like aspirin, ibuprofen, and St. John’s wort. And you’ll want to avoid alcohol in the weeks leading up to treatment. Smoking is also discouraged before treatment. Avoiding these things can help prevent bruising. Also let your doctor know of any allergies or sensitivities.

Target areas for Juvederm

  • cheeks: Juvederm Voluma XC
  • around the nose and mouth: Juvederm Ultra Plus XC and Juvederm Vollure XC
  • lips: Juvederm Ultra XC and Juvederm Volbella XC

Before and after pictures

Pictures of Juvederm

How does Juvederm work?

Juvederm works by adding volume to the facial tissue through its active ingredient, hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in the human body. It stimulates the production of the connective tissue that plumps the skin (collagen). As you get older, the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen decreases. This increases the appearance of sagging and wrinkling of the facial skin.

During the procedure, your doctor, physician assistant, or nurse typically uses a pen to mark the areas to be treated. Your doctor will then inject Juvederm into the target area. They will also lightly massage the area to ensure an even distribution and reduce the chance of swelling. The entire procedure usually takes between 15 and 60 minutes, depending on the area treated.

Juvederm injections contain a small amount of pain-reducing lidocaine. This will help minimize any pain or discomfort you feel during treatment and make it go away quickly.

Risks and side effects

You can expect some swelling and bruising. Other common side effects include:

  • redness
  • tenderness
  • lumps or bumps
  • minor pain
  • itching

All of these side effects usually subside within two to four weeks.

More serious side effects are typically associated with unprofessional handling, like injecting Juvederm into a blood vessel unintentionally. Complications can include permanent scarring, vision abnormalities, blindness, or stroke. That’s why it’s very important to choose your doctor wisely. Make sure that they are trained, certified, and licensed to perform the procedure.

What to expect after Juvederm

Recovery time is minimal. But, people are advised to avoid strenuous activity, sun exposure, wearing makeup, and consuming alcohol for at least 24 hours post treatment.

Most notice the effects of Juvederm right away, or after the swelling reduces. Results typically last between six months and two years. This depends on which Juvederm product was used.

How much does Juvederm* cost?

As of 2016, the national average cost of hyaluronic acid injections such as Juvederm was $620 per syringe. The cost of a Juvederm treatment can vary depending on your physician’s experience, geographic location, and the number of syringes used. Since dermal fillers are an elective treatment, health insurance does not cover the cost.


Juvederm Ultra XC: Uses and Benefits


  • Juvéderm Ultra XC is a dermal filler containing hyaluronic acid, water, and lidocaine.
  • It’s primarily used for the treatment of lip lines and thinning lips.


  • The active ingredients in Juvéderm Ultra XC are well-tolerated. Minor side effects include post-treatment pain, swelling, and bruising.
  • Allergic reactions are rare.
  • More serious side effects include scarring and infections.


  • Juvéderm injections are relatively quick. These can take as little as half an hour for the lip area.
  • You don’t need to take time off work for this procedure. No recovery time is required.


  • The national average is $750 per treatment. Your cost can vary based on treatment provider, region, and number of injections needed.


  • Results are immediate and can last for up to one year.

What is Juvéderm Ultra XC?

Juvéderm Ultra XC is a type of dermal filler. Approved by the FDATrusted Source in 2010, it’s primarily used to treat facial wrinkles and to increase lip fullness.

Each injection contains a gel-like material made of water, hyaluronic acid (HA), and lidocaine, a local anesthetic. HA is designed to plump up your skin by increasing volume from underneath.

This treatment is intended for adults.

How much does Juvéderm Ultra XC cost?

Juvéderm Ultra XC costs an average of $750 per treatment. Some costs are higher depending on where you live. The number of injections you need also affects total cost.

Since all Juvéderm products are considered cosmetic procedures, your treatment won’t be covered by insurance. You’ll need to work out the exact total cost with your provider ahead of time. Some doctors offer plans for paying monthly toward the cost of treatment.

Juvéderm Ultra XC injections aren’t surgical, so you don’t need to take any extended time off from work. You might consider taking the day when you’ll get injections off just for convenience, but it’s not a medical necessity.

How does Juvéderm Ultra XC work?

Juvéderm Ultra XC contains HA and water. When HA is combined with water, it turns into a gel-like material that creates volume. As this combination is injected into your skin, it helps volumize the tissues. Any wrinkles are “filled in,” leaving a smoother appearance.

The “XC” in the product name indicates the inclusion of 0.3 percent lidocaine. This is designed to prevent pain from the injections. It can also save time because you won’t need a separate topical pain reliever prior to the procedure. One reportTrusted Source indicated 93 percent of clinical trial participants noticed a reduction in pain with lidocaine-containing formulas.

Procedure for Juvéderm Ultra XC

Little prep and aftercare is required for each injection. The total time spent depends on how many injections you’re getting. The procedure may take up to one hour.

Since Juvéderm contains lidocaine, your treatment provider won’t need to apply a topical anesthetic to your skin before the injections. They might cleanse your skin first, and then inject the product into the target areas.

You shouldn’t feel any pain at all. Instead, you might feel slight pressure and tingling as the product is injected.

Once the injections are completed, you can leave.

Targeted areas for Juvéderm Ultra XC

Juvéderm Ultra XC is primarily used for the treatment of laugh lines or smile lines, which are the wrinkles that develop along the sides of your mouth. This type of injection can also be used for lip augmentation.

If you’re looking for treatment of wrinkles under the eyes or in the cheeks, your doctor might recommend another type of Juvéderm injection.

Are there any risks or side effects?

Juvéderm Ultra XC is considered safe for most people when used as directed. While the procedure itself isn’t painful, it’s possible to feel slight pain within a day after the injections. Other common side effects include:

These should be mild and usually last less than seven days.

Allergic reactions are rare but can be serious. Call your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms after using Juvéderm Ultra XC:

You shouldn’t use Juvéderm products if you have any known allergies to HA or lidocaine.

In rare cases, Juvéderm can cause infections, scarring, and death to affected skin tissues.

What to expect after Juvéderm Ultra XC

Like other Juvéderm products, you might see noticeable differences in your skin almost immediately. According to the Juvéderm website, these results can last up to a year. In general, fillers containing HA last between six months and one year, according to the FDATrusted Source.

You’ll need follow-up treatments to maintain your desired results, and as recommended by your treatment provider.

You can go back to work right after this procedure. However, in the first 24 hours after the procedure, avoid strenuous exercise, sun exposure, and alcoholic beverages. Otherwise, you may see more redness, swelling, or itching at the site where you got the injections.

Before and after pictures

Pictures of Juvéderm Ultra XC

Preparing for Juvéderm Ultra XC treatment

Arrive early on the day of your appointment to give yourself enough time to fill out any paperwork and make payments. It’s not necessary to arrange a ride home, but you might consider doing so if it makes you more comfortable.

Plan to spend at least an hour total at your appointment, unless your treatment provider tells you otherwise.

Are there other similar treatments?

Juvéderm Ultra XC is classified as a dermal filler. It’s part of the Juvéderm family of products. Other Juvéderm injections are used for different areas of the face. For example, Voluma XC is primarily used for the cheeks, while Vollure XC is used for “parentheses” lines.

Other dermal fillers on the market also contain HA. Restylane is one example.

Botox is another common type of wrinkle treatment, but it doesn’t last as long as Juvéderm Ultra XC. Botox is a neuromodulator, which means it treats wrinkles by relaxing muscles rather than plumping up skin.

How to find a treatment provider

Juvéderm Ultra XC is considered safe for most users, but it’s still important to find a reputable treatment provider for injections. This will ensure you get the best results possible while also reducing your risk for side effects. Never buy Juvéderm products online — these are likely knock-off products.

You can start by asking your primary care doctor for recommended treatment providers. As a rule of thumb, you’ll want to get your injections from a medical doctor. Examples include dermatologists, cosmetic surgeons, and medical spa providers.

Looking online for reviews can be helpful, but you should also meet your treatment provider before booking your appointment. At this point, you can ask about their credentials and review their portfolio. You don’t have to commit to a treatment provider after a meet-and-greet — in fact, it’s a good idea to shop around until you find the right fit.