Because it’s so contagious, almost all adults in the United States over a certain age have had the chickenpox. After the vaccine became available, rates of infection dropped more than 90 percent. Today, chickenpox is rare among children. Many adults, however, still have reminders of their chickenpox, such as scarring.

Excessive scratching of chickenpox blisters can cause damage. When your skin is damaged by a deep wound, your body produces a tissue that is thicker than skin to repair it. This is known as scar tissue.

Inflammation of the skin, which is common with chickenpox, can lead to scars with a sunken appearance. Many people want to fade or remove these scars, especially when they’re on the face.

Read on to learn some of the treatment options you have for chickenpox scars.

Natural treatments for scars

Vitamin E

Vitamin E has long been considered a valid tool in the treatment of scars. Unfortunately, these claims may be overstated. Most studiesTrusted Source show that it has no significant effect. The American Academy of Dermatology actually advises people not to use vitamin E on scars, as it could potentially worsen the appearance.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera has been extensively tested in the treatment of burns. While it does have a proven abilityTrusted Source to reduce skin temperature (helpful in burn healing), it shows no effect on scars.

Cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is a cream-colored vegetable fat derived from the cocoa bean. Its smooth, velvety texture and its ability to melt when applied to the skin make it a common ingredient in moisturizers. Although it contains antioxidants and can effectively moisturize skin, it’s unlikely to reduce the appearance of scars.

large clinical trialTrusted Source found that cocoa butter was no better than a placebo cream at reducing stretchmarks in pregnant women.

Rosehip oil

The essential oils from rosehips have a lot of therapeutic value because of their antioxidant effects and phytochemical composition. These phytochemicals include ascorbic acid and fatty acids.

Research suggests that applying rosehip oil to a recent scar twice a day for 12 weeks may improve the final appearance.

Over-the-counter treatments for scars

Retinol creams

Retinol, which is a powerful derivative of vitamin A, is clinically proven to boost collagen production. In a studyTrusted Source looking at the combined effects of retinol and glycolic acid on acne scars, researchers noted that more than 90 percentTrusted Source of participants saw improvements.

Apply a retinol cream to your scar nightly at bedtime to stimulate collagen in an area that is severely lacking. If you find it too irritating, you can start on an every-other-day schedule. This wrinkle cream from Roc includes both retinol and glycolic acid.


Exfoliation removes old skin cells, making room for younger and better-looking skin. Exfoliating a scar may help remove some of the pigmented or rough skin. There are two types of exfoliation: mechanical and chemical.

Mechanical exfoliants include body and face scrubs, brushes, and other tools. Use these directly on your scar, in a circular motion, every three days.

Chemical exfoliants are lotions that produce a mild chemical reaction to remove the top layer of skin. Apply these directly to your scar as often as directed by the instructions.

Scar removal creams

Over-the-counter (OTC) scar removal creams contain varying combinations of ingredients thought to help prevent scars or reduce their appearance. Although there is little clinical evidence, many people find them helpful.

The product you choose will be based on how new the scar is. Check out this one from Mederma, which is designed to treat both old and new scars.

Professional treatments for scars

Excision and punch excision

Scar excisions are an option when all other scar removal techniques have failed. While you’re under anesthesia, your doctor uses a scalpel or a punch tool to surgically remove the scar tissue. They’ll then stich up the area. This treatment is best suited for deep, pitted, sunken scars. You will also be trading a crater-like pock mark for a new, possibly cosmetically improved linear scar. However, this scar will also be permanent.


Soft tissue fillers can be used to add shape back into depressed or sunken scars. Soft tissue fillers, such as hyaluronic acid, as well as fat, can be injected directly into the scar to reduce its appearance. These treatments are temporary, lasting about six months.


Microneedling is a relatively new procedure that uses a rolling-pin-type tool covered in very small needles. After an anesthetic is applied to your face, your doctor rolls the tool back and forth with considerable pressure. There will be some minimal bleeding.

Microneedling stimulates collagen production and leads to smoother-looking skin. The procedure may need to be repeated several times. It will be a few months before the results begin to appear.


Microdermabrasion is a process that uses a rapidly rotating brush to sand away the top layer of skin. It’s more superficial than dermabrasion, which penetrates more deeply into the tissue, allowing for skin restructuring. Both treatments are very effective against scars. Dermabrasion can completely remove surface scars and significantly improve the look of deep scars.

Chemical peels

Chemical peels are another technique to resurface the outer layer of skin. High potency acid is spread over the skin, removing the outer layer and improving the look of deep scars.

A light peel can be done quickly in the doctor’s office with no down time. A medium peel can also be done in the doctor’s office, but may require several weeks to heal. Deep chemical peels are more serious procedures, often requiring anesthesia and months of down time.

To see improvements in your scars, you may require one light peel per week for several weeks in a row. Medium peels should be spread further apart.

You may also opt to do a chemical peel at home, though it won’t have the same results as a professional peel. Check out our guide to doing chemical peels at home.

Skin grafting

skin graft is a procedure typically reserved for severe and extensive scars, such as those from burns, surgeries, or other traumas. But skin grafts can also be used to improve the appearance of extensive facial scaring. A skin graft involves removing donor skin from another part of your body and transplanting it to the site of the scar.

Laser resurfacing

Laser therapy is one of the most commonly used professional scar treatments. It can reduce the appearance of old scars, improve sunken chickenpox scars, and lessen the color of scars. There are several types of laser resurfacing including ablative and nonablative, with the former being slightly more invasive than the latter.

Laser treatments can be done on an outpatient basis and usually don’t require sedation. Your doctor will apply a topical local anesthetic before administering the light therapy. The procedure can last anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours.

How to prevent chickenpox scars

If you or your child currently has chickenpox, there are several things you can do to prevent scarring, including the following:

  • Avoid scratching as much as possible.
  • Wear oven mitts or mittens to prevent damage to the skin from scratching.
  • Dab or pat a soothing lotion onto the blisters. A lotion with cocoa butter and aloe vera is ideal.
  • Dab or pat an anti-itch cream, like calamine lotion, directly onto the blisters.
  • Take a cool oatmeal bath.
  • Try an antihistamine like Benadryl.

Of course, the best way to prevent chickenpox scars is to avoid chickenpox infection. Vaccinate children from chickenpox and older adults from shingles, which is caused by the same virus.


How to Treat Chicken Pox Scars

1 Treating Scars
2 Experimenting with Home Remedies
3 Preventing Scars
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Chickenpox affects many children, teens, and adults each year. This virus leads to the formation of painful itchy blisters all over the body. Sometimes, these blisters can leave scars. If you have chickenpox scars, there are both medical and home remedies that can help to diminish these scars.

1. Treating Scars

Get a punch excision. If you want to get rid of chickenpox scars, see your dermatologist and ask about a punch excision. This is a method where scars are removed by a doctor cutting into the skin surrounding a scar and removing it.

The doctor will use a round, sharp-edged tool to remove the skin surrounding the scar. Then, she will close up the skin surrounding the wound.

The main downside to a punch excision is that it also leaves behind scars; however, the scars are much lighter and smaller than the original.

2. Try the punch elevation method.

The punch elevation method is usually used to treat deeper, more set in scars. This is a surgical method and will involve the use of local anesthetics but may be effective if your scars are particularly deep.

Similar tools used in the punch excision method are used for punch elevation, but the cuts made are slightly deeper and you will be put under for the procedure.
Punch elevation is usually effective in reducing the appearance of scars.
The downside is, as with punch excision, it does also leave scars behind; however, these scars tend to be less noticeable as they’re less elevated and lighter.

3. Try a chemical peel.

A chemical peel is a procedure in which the top layer of your skin is removed. This can reduce the appearance of chickenpox scars.
Chemical peels come in a variety of forms depending on the intensity of your condition and the desired outcome. Talk to your dermatologist about what type of peel would be right for you given your scarring.
Chemical peels may take up to two weeks to heal. While they are not extremely painful, the procedure can sting. Side effects may include temporary redness of the skin, scarring, and the appearance of cold sores.

4. Ask about laser therapy.

Laser therapy can be used to treat chickenpox scars. Ask your dermatologist if laser therapy is right for you. Laser therapy is sometimes preferable to other methods as it’s a non-invasive procedure with a fairly low risk of causing scars. It will not completely remove chickenpox scars but will lessen their appearance.

5. Use a silicone-based cream that contains zinc.

If you’re treating chickenpox scars in young children, procedures like punch excisions and chemical peels are not the best option. Try using a silicone-based cream that contains zinc. This can result in a reduction of chickenpox scars. Follow the directions on the bottle to know what dosage to use and how often to apply the cream.

Experimenting with Home Remedies


Apply vitamin E oil. Vitamin E oil is considered a natural antioxidant. As such, it may help to speed up the healing process of the skin. This could potentially help your chickenpox scars fade.

  • Rich sources of the vitamin include spinach, vegetable oils, seeds like sunflowers, raw nuts like almonds, fruits as papaya and avocado. Vitamin E supplements are available at the pharmacies that you can take once or twice daily.
  • Apply the oils directly to your skin every day. You can also apply a slice of avocado to the area.
  • Keep in mind this method is not as well researched as medical solutions, and results are inconclusive. It may not work for you personally. Be careful when taking new supplements and always talk to your doctor before incorporating them into your diet.

Try lemon juice. Lemon juice has been known to clear up dark spots on skin for some. This may be because it contains vitamin C and citric acid, which both act like exfoliating agents and remove the outer layer of the skin. Try using lemon juice and see if it has an effect.

  • Apply the juice on the affected spots for about ten minutes then wash gently. Pat dry with a clean towel. Avoid using lemon to children who have scars as children’s skin are known to be more sensitive than adults.
  • Like many home remedies, the use of lemon juice to remove scars has not been medically tested. If it makes scars worse or causes skin irritation, cease use and talk to your doctor.

Experiment with raw honey. Honey is one of the best natural antioxidants. In some cases, it’s been shown to improve the look of skin. It may be helpful for removing chickenpox scars.

  • Apply a dab of honey over the scar, leave in for 5 minutes, and then remove. Repeat as needed. This may result in scars lessening in appearance. Unlike lemon, honey is safe to use on children.


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Laser resurfacing

Laser therapy is one of the most commonly used professional scar treatments. It can reduce the appearance of old scars, improve sunken chickenpox scars, and lessen the color of scars.

There’s no known way to make scars totally disappear, but many will become lighter over time on their own. That being said, advocates of natural healing believe that there are remedies that can speed up the lightening process and make a scar less noticeable.

A lotion with cocoa butter and aloe vera is ideal. Dab or pat an anti-itch cream, like calamine lotion, directly onto the blisters.