What is it?

Dermal Needling also called Collagen Induction Therapy (or CIT) is based on creating micro injuries and triggering the skins own repair process, stimulating growth factors to produce new collagen and elastin. Dermal needling has seen a huge rise in popularity in recent years with the introduction of ‘Dermal Pens’. Using medical grade surgical stainless steel needles, the Derma CIT pens are also able to be adjusted to variable needle lengths. The pens have single use needle cartridges attached (which are then disposed of after each treatment), which rapidly puncture the skin. Essentially, we are poking holes into your skin which then rebuild and re-grow brand new skin up each of those individual channels.

What are the benefits?

  • Reduce lines and wrinkles
  • Improve scarring and pitting mainly caused by acne
  • Reduce pigmentation
  • Reduce pore size
  • Tightening Skin
  • Improve skin texture
  • Improve overall skin structure and appearance
  • Increases penetration and absorption of topical products

How many treatments do I need?

We usually recommend a series of at least 3 sessions 4-6 weeks apart but this will vary depending on the condition of the skin.

What can I expect from the treatment?

The treatment typically takes 30-45 mins starting with prepping the skin for the treatment. The needling is performed by section and is completed in a matter of minutes. Due to the speed of the pens, you do not require any topical anaesthetic with this treatment as it is considerably less painful than the manual rollers. You may feel some slight stinging or discomfort during the treatment but this is over in no time at all.

Your therapist will give you aftercare advice and product to take home if needed.

What is the down time and are there any side effects?

For a few hours following the procedure the skin can remain quite red and possibly swollen, some people also experience some itchiness and feeling of mild sunburn. Most return to normal within hours so we recommended an afternoon or evening appointment as this subsides by the next day. The following days the skin may become either quite oily or dry and often tight.

This is a before and straight after treatment you can see the skin is quite red but this subsides within a matter of hours.

When will I see results?

You may begin to see some subtle changes in the skin in the following weeks but collagen will begin to form from six weeks after your treatment and your skin will continue to improve for up to six months. Because we are working at a dermal layer results are gradual and not instant like some other treatments, in our CIT treatments we also include a highly concentrated ampoule suited to your particular skin concern these ampoules boost the results of the needling and dependant on which ampoule we use you may get some instant results like the skin looking more refined and smoothed or possibly even some peeling.


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What do I need to know about microneedling?

Microneedling, at its heart, is a way to remodel the skin. It rejuvenates the skin by smoothening it and creating a soft texture. It can eradicate acne and acne scars, diminish the appearance of fine lines and aging skin, and even out skin discoloration problems like melasma (done with combining with peels).

Can microneedling ruin your skin?

Skin damage is a risk that commonly occurs with microneedling devices. The damage may include bleeding, bruising, redness, tightness, itching and peeling, and these typically go away without any treatment after a few days or weeks.


Microneedling or Laser Skin Resurfacing: Which Is Better?


Microneedling is the mechanical method of creating thousands of tiny channels of injury all over a treatment area that force the skin to heal. The results are not selective to a specific problem, but you can see improvement in many issues by nature of causing collagen regeneration and skin turnover. Both treatments are used to heal certain types of concerns, such as acne scarring and rejuvenation.

Pros and cons of microneedling treatments? 

Pros of microneedling include a relatively quick recovery time (about a day or two of a light sunburn appearance) and less potential side effects. It’s also safe to use on all skin types.

The cons of microneedling are that the results are often subtle. It can take numerous microneedling treatment sessions to achieve the results you desire, and still, some conditions are best treated with a laser.

Pros and cons of laser resurfacing?

Laser treatments can often provide quicker, more dramatic and long lasting results than microneedling treatments.

Because lasers deliver heat to the skin we see more side effects (such as temporary darkening or bruising) and longer downtime due to post-treatment swelling and redness. Lasers can also flare certain medical conditions so it’s important to have a thorough consultation with Dr. Sabharwal before diving in.

Do you suggest trying one before the other? 

If you’re looking to be more proactive about taking care of your skin, microneedling is a quick and easy way to do so without much risk. On the other hand, if you have a specific problem you would like to address, it may be the case that you are better suited for a laser treatment to meet your goals.

Can they be used effectively together?

Absolutely! We can target specific issues with our Laser by Sciton and then perform microneedling for all over skin rejuvenation on the same day. Or, you can alternate treatments on a monthly basis or so. It all depends on what you are trying to address.

Who is an ideal candidate to try it?

Am ideal candidate will prepare for the procedure and commit to doing their part during recovery. More generally, patients need to be free of active infections, rashes, or acne in the treatment areas. We advise our Kissimmee and Orlando patients to avoid sun exposure pre and post procedure as this increases side effects.

Anything else we should know?

Microneedling is often combined with PRP (platelet rich plasma), which helps to boost results and healing time. PRP is full of platelets and growth factors. The plasma portion is applied to the skin during microneedling, or injected directly into the treatment area and it can help boost collagen. Our HALO Laser Resurfacing will also help stimulate collagen.