Lip augmentation is a cosmetic procedure that can give you fuller, plumper lips.

These days, an injectable dermal filler is the most commonly used method of lip augmentation.

There are many types of dermal fillers that can be injected in your lips and around your mouth. But the most common fillers today are products that contain substances similar to hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in the body. It helps increase volume in your lips.

These types of dermal fillers are sometimes called “hyaluronic acid fillers.”

Collagen, once the most common dermal filler, is used less often today. The newer options are safer and the effects last longer.

Fat injections and implants are other methods to plump lips. But they aren’t used as much today because the results vary and there is a greater risk of side effects.

Uses of Hyaluronic Acid Fillers

Hyaluronic acid fillers can improve the appearance of your lips by adding:

  • Shape
  • Structure
  • Volume

The effects typically last around six months. After that more injections are needed to keep the volume of your lips.

There are several hyaluronic acid fillers on the market. Among them are these products:

  • Restylane, Restylane-L, Restylane Silk
  • Juvederm Ultra, Juvederm Ultra Plus
  • Belotero Balance
  • HylaForm
  • Elevess
  • Prevelle Silk
  • Captique

All of these products are injected the same way and give you similar results. And some contain lidocaine, a local anesthetic.

Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid Fillers

Once injected, the gel in the filler supports and shapes the tissues of the lips.

The benefits of using hyaluronic acid fillers include:

Control over lip volume. The amount of substance injected can be controlled, so the doctor has better control over how much lip volume is created.

Gradual pace of treatment. The injections can be given gradually during different appointments until the desired results are achieved.

Bumps dissolve easily. Any lumps and bumps created by movement of the lips can be dissolved easily.

Less bruising. There may be less bruising and swelling compared to other dermal fillers.

Reasonably lasting results. The results are reasonably long-lasting, but not permanent.

What can Botox do?

Injecting botulinum toxin type A (Botox) into your lip area can provide several cosmetic benefits or improvements.

Botox is the cosmetic form of botulinum toxinTrusted Source, a chemical that can temporarily weaken or paralyze your muscles. One round of injections can cause your muscles to relax for about three monthsTrusted Source.

When injected in the lip area, Botox can help:

  • minimize creases in the upper and lower lip area
  • elevate the corners of your mouth
  • remove marionette lines, or lines that run downward from the corners of your mouth
  • correct a “gummy” smile
  • enhance the upper lip, also known as the “Botox lip flip”

How Botox lip injections change the appearance of your lips depends on where it’s injected. For example, in the case of the “Botox lip flip,” the chemical relaxes the muscles around your lips and causes them to curl up. This can make them look larger.

In most cases, Botox injections usually take about 10 to 15 minutes. Injections aren’t considered a surgical procedure, and no recovery time is needed afterward. You should be able to continue your usual activities immediately after your appointment.

Read on to learn if Botox injections can help you achieve the results and appearance you desire for your lips.

How does the ‘Botox lip flip’ work?

The “Botox lip flip” is a procedure done with Botox injections to make your lips appear larger.

To do this, your dermatologist or plastic surgeon will inject multiple units of Botox into the upper middle part of your upper lip. When the muscles relax, your lip will curl upward. This lengthens your upper lip, making it appear larger without actually adding any volume.

If you’re looking to add plumpness, talk to your dermatologist or plastic surgeon about adding a lip filler injection. You can opt for only lip filler, or use Botox and lip fillers for a dramatic plumping effect.

If you choose to combine procedures, your doctor will likely use Botox to create the lip flip and the fillerhyaluronic acid (Restylane or Juvederm) to add plumpness. This effect usually lasts two to three weeks, making it a popular choice for special occasions.

What’s the Botox technique for a ‘gummy’ smile?

You may have also looked up lip plumping as a treatment for a “gummy” smile. If the gums above your upper teeth show when you smile, it’s considered “gummy.” Some people may also display little or no upper lip when they smile. The technique for reducing a gummy smile is similar to the Botox lip flip.

To do this, your doctor will inject Botox into the area of your lip known as the Cupid’s bow. This is the middle of your upper lip, where the orbicularis oris muscle is. This is the muscle you work when you pucker your lips.

The Botox will make your muscles relax, causing your lips to curl slightly. When you smile, your relaxed muscles will help cover your gums and allow more of your lips to show. This effect will make your lip look bigger.

However, like you would before a “Botox lip flip,” you should consult your dermatologist or plastic surgeon if you wish to add volume to your lips.

What else can you use for lip plumping?

Lip plumping is primarily done for aesthetic purposes, whether it’s to reduce the appearance of a gummy smile or achieve fuller lips. Some adults may also be interested in lip plumping to counter the effects of aging, as lip fullness can decrease with age. Botox can’t solve this issue, but injectable lip fillers can.

There are several options to choose from when deciding on the right lip filler for your desired results. Some popular lip injectables use ingredients like hyaluronic acid. These include:

Injections and fillers Effect How long does it last?
Juvederm Ultra or Restylane Silk It adds just enough volume to smooth out lines; it’s ideal for people who do not want a dramatic effect. about 6 months, but less if you move your mouth a lot, as movements remove injections
Regular Restylane or Juvederm Ultra Plus It offers the most dramatic plumping and enlarging effect. about 6 months, but longer if done alongside Botox
Restylane Refyne and Restylane Defyne It creates a natural look without looking over-plumped. about 6–12 months
Volbella It’s subtle and natural. about 2 years

Botox and other lip injections are effective for what they are meant to do. However, they will each give you different results. It’s important that you discuss your options and the results you want with your doctor to determine which treatment is right for you.

If you’d like something more permanent, ask your doctor about lip fillers that use fat or other substances. These options require a surgical procedure that may increase your risk of possible complications.

What about using Botox to smoothing lip lines and wrinkles?

The primary cosmetic use for Botox injections is to reduce or temporarily eliminate lines and wrinkles on your face, including the lip area.

Lip lines and wrinkles develop naturally over time as a result of:

  • laughing
  • smiling
  • frowning
  • kissing
  • smoking
  • aging

If you wish to reduce lines, talk to your dermatologist or plastic surgeon about your options. They may recommend injectable lip fillers if you also wish to add plumpness.

What are the possible side effects and risks of using Botox?

Botox and other lip injections are considered safe when performed by a licensed medical professional. All doctors are required to follow safety guidelines established by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration. However, the use of botulinum toxin in the perioral area (around the lips) is still considered “off-label” by the FDA.

Regardless, you may still experience mild side effects following the procedure. These typically last a couple of days and may include:

  • numbness at the injection site
  • bruising at the injection site
  • swelling, which can cause your lips to temporarily appear larger than expected
  • tenderness
  • headache
  • nausea

There are some risks specific to injections around the mouth. For example, the relaxation effect that weakens the lip muscles and reduces the appearance of wrinkles can also hinder your ability to pucker, kiss, whistle, and suck through straws. It may even affect your speech and enunciation. Some people report biting their lips inadvertently.

Rare but serious side effects are also possible if the Botox moves from the targeted muscle to other locations in your body.

Seek immediate medical attention if you begin experiencing:

  • overall muscle weakness
  • difficulty breathing
  • difficulty speaking
  • difficulty swallowing
  • visual disturbances

You shouldn’t use Botox injections if you’re pregnant or plan on becoming pregnant within the next three months.

How much do lip injections cost?

Botox injections and fillers are often considered a “natural” aesthetic procedure because they don’t involve going under the knife. The results are also temporary, lasting anywhere from two weeks to six months or more.

If you’re considering Botox injections, you may also want to think about the long-term costs.

Insurance usually won’t cover Botox or other lip injections unless it’s being used for therapeutic purposes. You should expect to pay for cosmetic treatments out of pocket.

The price of one session depends on the type of injection used and the amount used. It can also vary by location. This means that some treatments may cost as little as $50, while others top out around $1,500. Your dermatologist or plastic surgeon can provide you with a specific figure.

Speak with your doctor

Talk to your doctor or a medical professional if you’re interested in Botox injections. Make sure you read reviews from former and current customers, and ask to see before and after photos of any procedures that you’re considering.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions until you’re comfortable with the doctor or surgeon you select! It’s important they understand the result you want from the procedure.


Restylane and Juvederm Lip Fillers

Fast facts


  • Restylane and Juvederm are hyaluronic acid-containing dermal fillers used to plump up the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. These are nonsurgical (noninvasive) procedures.
  • Restylane Silk is used for both lip augmentation and lip lines.
  • Juvederm Ultra XC plumps up the lips, while Juvederm Volbella XC is used for vertical lines above the lip as well as mild plumping of the lips.


  • Minor side effects include swelling, redness, and bruising at the injection site.
  • Serious side effects are uncommon. Scars and discoloration are rare. Sometimes Restylane Silk or Juvederm can lead to numbness, which may be associated with the ingredient lidocaine.


  • Restylane and Juvederm are considered out-patient procedures. They’re done within minutes at your provider’s office.
  • Lip treatments take a shorter amount of time compared to dermal fillers for the cheeks or forehead.


  • Restylane injections cost between $300 and $650 per injection.
  • Juvederm lip treatment averages out at about $600 per injection.
  • No downtime is required.
  • Insurance doesn’t cover dermal fillers, so you may need to talk to your provider about payment plans or financing options.


  • Restylane and Juvederm results are seen quickly and last for several months, but with slight variations.
  • Restylane takes a few days longer to work, and lasts around 10 months.
  • Juvederm lasts about one year. The initial results are instant.
  • With either choice, you’ll need follow-up injections in the future in order to maintain your results.


Restylane and Juvederm are hyaluronic acid-containing dermal fillers used for treating signs of skin aging. Hyaluronic acid has a “plumping” effect that’s useful for both wrinkles andvolumizing the lips.

While both fillers have the same basic ingredients, there are differences in terms of use, cost, and potential side effects.

Read on to learn more about how these fillers compare so you can make the most informed decision with your doctor.

Comparing Restylane and Juvederm for lips

Restylane and Juvederm are nonsurgical (noninvasive) procedures. Both are dermal fillers that contain hyaluronic acid to plump up the skin. They also contain lidocaine to alleviate pain during the procedure.

Each brand has different formulas specifically designed for the lips that are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Restylane Silk for lips

Restylane Silk is the formula used for the lip area. According to their official website, Restylane Silk was the first lip filler approved by the FDA. It promises “silkier, smoother, natural-looking lips.” Restylane Silk can be used for both lip augmentation as well as smoothing out lip lines.

Juvederm Ultra or Volbella XC for lips

Juvederm comes in two forms for the lips:

  • Juvederm Ultra XC is designed for lip augmentation.
  • Juvederm Volbella XC is used for vertical lip lines, as well as slight volume to the lips.

Depending on what results you’re looking for, your provider may recommend one over the other.

Bruising and swelling are common reactions to filler injections and may be apparent for two to three days. How long these symptoms last can depend on where you’re getting the injections.

If you’re treating lip lines, expect these side effects to go away within seven days. If you’re plumping your lips, side effects can last up to 14 days.

How long does each procedure take?

Restylane and Juvederm injection procedures take just a few minutes each. You’ll likely need follow-up sessions in the future to maintain the volumizing effects in your lips.

Restylane duration

It’s estimated that Restylane injections last between 15 and 60 minutes per total procedure. Since the lip area is much smaller compared to other injection areas, the duration is likely to fall on the shorter side of this scale. The effects will show up after a few days.

Juvederm duration

In general, Juvederm lip injections take the same amount of time per procedure as Restylane. Unlike Restylane, though, Juvederm lip results are instant.

Comparing results

Both Restylane and Juvederm are said to produce smooth results due to the plumping effects of hyaluronic acid. However, Juvederm tends to last a bit longer overall with slightly quicker results.

Restylane results

After Restylane Silk injections, you’ll likely see results a few days after your procedure. These fillers are said to start wearing off after 10 months.

Juvederm results

Juvederm Ultra XC and Juvederm Volbella start making a difference in your lips almost instantly. The results are said to last for about a year.

Who’s a good candidate?

While Restylane and Juvederm lip treatments have FDA approval, this doesn’t mean these procedures are right for everyone. Individual risk factors vary between the two treatments.

As a rule of thumb, dermal fillers in general are off-limits for pregnant women due to unknown safety hazards. Your provider can tell you more about your individual risk factors at your consultation.

Restylane candidates

Restylane is only for adults 21 years of age and older. This lip treatment may not be right for you if you have a history of the following:

  • allergies to hyaluronic acid or lidocaine
  • inflammatory skin conditions, such as psoriasis, eczema, or rosacea
  • bleeding disorders

Juvederm candidates

Juvederm is also only meant for adults over the age of 21. Your provider may not recommend lip injections if you have allergies or sensitivities to lidocaine or hyaluronic acid.

Comparing cost

Lip treatments with Restylane or Juvederm are considered aesthetic procedures, so these injections aren’t covered by insurance. Still, these options are less expensive than surgery. They also don’t require any downtime.

You’ll need to ask your provider for a specific estimate for your treatment. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons estimates a general average cost for dermal fillers with hyaluronic acid at $682 per treatment. However, your exact cost depends on how many injections you need as well as your provider and area you live.

Restylane costs

Restylane Silk costs between $300 and $650 per injection. This all depends on the area of treatment. One estimate from the West Coast prices Restylane Silk at $650 per 1 milliliter injection. Another provider based in New York prices Restylane Silk at $550 per syringe.

Interested in Restylane injections for other areas? Here’s how much Restylane Lyft costs for the cheeks.

Juvederm costs

Juvederm lip treatments cost slightly more than Restylane on average. A provider on the East Coast prices Juvederm for smile lines (Volbella XC) at $549 per syringe. Another provider based in California prices Juvederm between $600 and $900 per injection.

Keep in mind Juvederm’s results typically last longer than Restylane. This means you may need lip treatments less often, which affects your total cost.

Comparing the side effects

While both Restylane and Juvederm are noninvasive, this doesn’t mean they’re completely risk-free. Side effects, especially minor ones, are possible.

It’s also important to use the right formula for your lips to avoid potential irritation and scarring. Remember that Juvederm Ultra XC and Volbella XC are the types of formulas used for lips. Restylane Silk is the version of Restylane products used for the lips, too.

Restylane side effects

Some of the possible minor side effects from Restylane Silk include:

  • redness
  • swelling
  • tenderness
  • bruising

Serious side effects include:

  • hyperpigmentation (skin color changes)
  • infection
  • death to the surrounding skin tissues (necrosis)

Serious side effects from Restylane are rare, though.

You may be at an increased risk of side effects if you:

  • smoke
  • have a bleeding disorder
  • have an inflammatory skin condition

Tell your doctor if you’re taking any medications that make you prone to infections.

Juvederm side effects

Like Restylane, Juvederm carries the risk of side effects such as swelling and redness. Some people also experience pain and numbness. Volbella XC formulas sometimes cause dry skin.

Serious but rare side effects from Juvederm injections include:

  • hyperpigmentation
  • scars
  • necrosis

Infections and severe allergic reactions are also rare, but possible.

Tell your doctor if you’re taking any medications that make you prone to infections.


Preventing side effects

For either product, avoid strenuous activities, alcohol, and exposure to the sun or tanning beds for at least 24 hours following lip injections to help prevent side effects.

The manufacturer of Restylane recommends people avoid extreme cold weather after the treatment until any redness or swelling has gone away.

On the other hand, the maker of Juvederm recommends avoiding extreme heat.

Minor side effects from lip treatments go awayTrusted Source in one to two weeks, but it can depend on where you’re getting the injections. If you’re treating lip lines, expect these side effects to go away within seven days. If you’re plumping your lips, side effects can last up to 14 days.


4 Ways to Even Out Uneven Lips


Facial exercises

If your lips are uneven, it may be due to your facial muscles being underdeveloped or weak. This could be the result of a condition such as Lyme disease, or it could be present from birth.

Here are some facial exercises you can perform to make your lips appear more balanced:

  • Tighten your lips as if you are going to attempt to whistle. Hold that position for 10 to 15 seconds. Repeat 10 to 20 times a day.
  • Stretch your lips with your lips closed as if you are trying to touch the corners of your mouth to your ears. Hold that position for 10 seconds. Next, stretch your lips further with your teeth slightly exposed. Hold the position again. Then, stretch your lips as far as they can go with your teeth bared. Hold the position, then relax.
  • Purse your lips. Suck in your cheeks so that they are close to touching each other (commonly called fish face). Then, move your lips up and down in the pucker position.

Lip augmentation

Lip augmentation is achieved with lip injections to even out or plump the lips. The most common dermal filler used to be collagen, but it has been replaced with products that are considered to be safer and longer lasting. Hyaluronic acid and polyacrylamide are currently the most popular dermal fillers used.

Fat injections are also available, but involve liposuction surgery to remove fat from another area of your body.

Sometimes fillers can cause an allergic reaction on your face or lips. Be sure to complete a professional consultation to understand the different filler options available and to get a qualified recommendation on the best option for you.

The benefits of lip augmentation include:

  • quick outpatient treatment
  • treatments can be paced until the desired lip volume has been reached
  • lip volume can be controlled by the amount of substance injected

The negatives of lip augmentation include:

  • only lasts about 6 months
  • cold sores or fever blisters could be reactivated
  • possible swelling and bruising


Lip tattoos

Cosmetic tattooing has become increasingly popular in recent years. Tattooing for the purpose of fixing skin color is called micropigmentation. If you have uneven lips, they may be evened out cosmetically with a permanent tattoo.

As with any tattoo or permanent procedure, you should fully understand how it works. You should also evaluate any cosmetic tattoo artist by looking at their previous work and reading reviews. Before committing to micropigmentation, talk with your doctor for insight and a recommendation.

Lip surgery

In severe cases, your uneven lips may require surgery. Lip reconstruction is typically performed by a plastic surgeon. Sometimes lip surgery poses a challenge due to the central role that your lips play in your life.

Lip surgeries are done with both a functional and aesthetic focus in mind. Sometimes additional skin must be removed from other places on your body to reconstruct the lips. If you’re considering lip surgery, make sure to consult your doctor for a referral.