The skin on your eyelids is unique when compared to other parts of your body. The eyelid skin is thinner than other skin and there’s not a lot of fat cushioning it. Additionally, the eyelids and surrounding areas are very vascular, meaning that a lot of blood flows through vessels around the eye. Therefore, irritants or skin conditions may be more likely to affect your eyelid than other parts of your body.

What causes dry eyelids?

There are a number of causes of dry skin on the eyelids. Symptoms vary based on the underlying condition.

The dry skin on your eyelid may be isolated and clear up with minor lifestyle changes.

Your skin may become dry because of:

  • the climate you live in
  • low humidity
  • exposure to hot water
  • advancing age

Dry climates and cold weather can cause dry skin. Rooms that do not have a lot of humidity can dry out the skin. Hot water from showers or face washing may cause dry skin. Or your skin may be getting thinner and need more care as you age, especially if you’re 40 or older.

There are other factors that cause dry skin on eyelids that may require more medical care. These underlying conditions vary in severity and outlook. Some of them include contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, or blepharitis.


The skin around your eyes is very thin and more sensitive than the skin on the other parts of your body. So, it’s more prone to irritation. Everything from aging to allergens in the environment can make it dry and flaky.

Some common culprits include:

Aging. As you get older, your skin loses moisture and becomes drier. You also lose fat below your skin that’s around your eyes. That makes that area extra fragile and more likely to flake and be irritated.

Contact dermatitis. The skin around your eyelids can become dry, red, and itchy when something triggers a reaction. It might be an irritating substance that comes in contact with your skin or an allergic reaction. Some common irritants include:

  • Makeup
  • Soap and detergent
  • Sunscreen
  • Chlorine from swimming pools
  • Skin care or hair products
  • Wind or dust

You can spread the irritant to your eyelids by accident when you touch the trigger, then rub or touch near your eyes. For example, you may get dry, itchy skin after touching your eyes with painted nails. The trigger could be nail polish or polish remover.

Lifestyle choices. Your skin could be dry because of the weather where you live. Skin is usually driest in cold weather. It’s also dry when there’s little humidity — either in the climate or in the air your home. Skin also can dry out when you use a lot of hot water.

Your eyelids can also be dry and flaky because of more serious causes. They can include:

Atopic dermatitis. Also known as eczema, this is a long-lasting condition that gives you red, itchy skin. It’s common in children, but it can happen at any age. You might notice patches of flaky, crusty skin all over your body, especially on your eyelids, as well as your hands, feet, and upper chest.

Eczema usually happens in flares. Skin can return to normal between episodes.

Blepharitis. Usually with this condition, both eyelids get inflamed. Tiny oil glands at the base of your eyelashes clog up. That causes redness, irritation, crustiness, and dryness. Your eyes can be watery and red. The skin around your eyes can be flaky. The specific cause of blepharitis isn’t clear, but it has ties to several conditions including:

  • Allergies
  • Rosacea
  • Dry eyes
  • Infections


Products that contain fragrances, metals (like nickel), and certain chemicals may cause contact dermatitis. You may even spread contact dermatitis to your eye unknowingly. This can occur when your hands touch your eyelid after they’ve come into contact with an irritating substance, or when you brush your face against a towel or pillowcase that has an irritant on it. Even polished fingernails or jewelry brushed against the eyelid may cause contact dermatitis.

Contact dermatitis can appear at any time in your life. You may develop an allergy to a certain substance all of a sudden, even if you’ve never reacted to it before. Keep in mind that products you use may change ingredients without your knowledge. Avoid any known triggers to keep dry, irritated skin on your eyelid at bay.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is another condition that may affect the skin of your eyelids. It may cause scaling on your skin as well as itching, redness, and oozing.

This is a condition that’s most commonly diagnosed in young children. Atopic dermatitis may appear to be contact dermatitis, so it should be diagnosed by a doctor. The condition may be caused by family history, the environment, or the immune system. The condition is chronic, but you can learn to treat flare-ups appropriately and manage the condition throughout your life.


This condition occurs on the eyelid and is caused by bacteria or another health condition like rosacea. It occurs on the eyelash line or the inner edge of the eye where it meets your eyeball. Blepharitis results in scales on the eyelid as well as irritation, redness, and burning, tearing, crusting, and more.

Home remedies for dry eyelids

You may learn over time what causes the dry skin on your eyelid and determine how to best manage it at home.

Here are some ways you can treat dry skin on your eyelids:

Preventing dry skin is an important way to avoid unwanted symptoms. For those with dermatitis, avoiding contact with substances that irritate the eyelid is essential. You should also consider wearing protective eyewear to avoid harmful particles from contacting your eyelid and eye.

When to see a doctor

You should see an eye doctor if you suspect a more serious health condition like contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, or blepharitis. Your doctor will review your symptoms and conduct a physical examination to diagnose the condition.

For contact dermatitis, your doctor may recommend an over-the-counter or prescription topical corticosteroid to treat the dry skin. Your doctor may recommend a corticosteroid as well as an antihistamine or other topical ointment or moisturizer to clear up atopic dermatitis. Treatment for blepharitis may include:

  • practicing good hygiene and removing crusts from the eye
  • cleaning the eyelids with baby shampoo
  • using prescription topical or oral antibiotics

Purchase baby shampoo here.

You should also see a doctor if:

  • your eyelids have been dry for an extended time
  • the condition is getting worse
  • you’re concerned it might be related to a larger health issue
  • you have other accompanying symptoms that concern you

What’s the outlook for dry eyelids?

There’s no reason to panic if you have dry skin on your eyelids. There are many different reasons the condition occurs, and many instances of dry skin on the eyelids can be treated at home and prevented in the future.

Underlying health conditions causing dry eyelids should be treated by your doctor, as well as dry eyelids that persist or get worse with time.


Use Vaseline® Jelly Under the Eyes

In fact, regular application of petroleum jelly for dry, flaky skin on eyelids will help to speed up the dry skin healing process. Remember to be careful when applying any product to the eye area, and to follow the directions on the label.

Allergens and irritants are some of the most common triggers for eczema and often affect the delicate skin of our eyelids before causing trouble anywhere else on the skin, Amy Kassouf, M.D., a dermatologist at the Cleveland Clinic, tells SELF. … Dry, flaky eyelids can be a symptom of many systemic health conditions, Dr.

Eyelid dermatitis is a common condition that causes the skin on or around the eyelid to become dry, itchy, and irritated. The term may refer to eczema, psoriasis, or seborrheic dermatitis on the eyelids. When the cause is an allergen or irritant, the condition is called eyelid contact dermatitis.