Microdermabrasion in Richmond Hill

HOW DOES Microdermabrasion WORK?

Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive, gentle exfoliating treatment

that removes layers of dead and damaged skin, revealing a smoother, fresher complexion.

Performed by a hand-held wand that features an exfoliating diamond tip,

the wand is passed over the skin 2-3 times (depending on the thickness of a patient’s skin),

drawing in air which creates a vacuum when the wand touches the skin.

As the exfoliating tip of the wand passes across the skin’s surface,

it picks up dead surface skin cells along the way, unclogging pores, removing dry skin,

increasing circulation and refining the skin’s texture.


Benefits of Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion can significantly improve the skin’s appearance by removing unwanted dead skin cells.

Acne breakouts can be greatly reduced, and improve the overall facial area, revealing smoother, younger

and more hydrated skin. These benefits of Microdermabrasion result in youthful skin that’s smooth

and rejuvenated, reducing the appearance of acne, wrinkles, fine lines and a wide range of other skin concerns.

The benefits of Microdermabrasion include:

A reduction in enlarged pores, with dead skin and dirt cleared from congested pores,

Deep exfoliation that reduces acne breakouts, Assists in the reduction of pigmentation

and sun damage, resulting in a smoother skin tone, Stimulates lymphatic drainage, removing toxins.

These benefits of Microdermabrasion result in youthful skin that’s smooth and rejuvenated,

reducing the appearance of acne, wrinkles, lines and a wide range of other skin concerns.

Microdermabrasion in Richmond Hill

Who is Microdermabrasion best for?

Microdermabrasion provides exceptional results for the following conditions:

fine lines, wrinkles, sun-damaged skin, acne and acne scars, excess sebum production, blackheads

and whiteheads, enlarged and open pores, superficial age spots, dull and congested skin.

It’s suitable for all skin types.

What ages are appropriate for microdermabrasion?

While there are no specific age or sex restrictions, typically children over age 12 up to adults age 65

can get microdermabrasion. While there is no age maximum, mature skin over age 70 may have

slightly higher risks of bruising and skin abrasions. Individuals younger than age 12 may sometimes

also receive treatment under the care of a dermatologist or plastic surgeon.


Microdermabrasion can be done as frequently as weekly or up to every eight weeks depending on
your skin’s tolerance and desired cosmetic effects.
Many people choose to start with weekly portfolio for three sessions,
then change to a monthly maintenance regimen.

How Long Does Each Treatment Take?

Your Microdermabrasion treatment can take anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes,

depending on which areas are being treated. Your treatment may take longer if you are combining it

with any other treatment. Speak with your Vitality Skin Expert regarding your customized

treatment and how long you can expect to be in the spa.

Microdermabrasion in Richmond Hill




At Richmond Hill Cosmetic Clinic, our highly trained and experienced team of board-certified cosmetic doctors and other medical professionals are devoted to helping you look and feel your very best.

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