Managing psoriasis on the feet

Psoriasis typically causes a scaly, red rash that can appear almost anywhere on a person's body, including the feet. Psoriasis on the feet can be painful and challenging to treat. Psoriasis is a long-term condition that affects up to 7.5 million people in the United States. Doctors do not fully understand what causes this skin condition, but they [...]

liposuction: benefits and risks

Liposuction, also called lipoplasty, liposculpture suction, lipectomy, or lipo, is a type of cosmetic surgery that breaks up and "sucks" fat from the body. It is often used on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, neck, chin, upper and backs of the arms, calves, and back. The fat is removed through a hollow instrument, known as a [...]

What you need to know about septoplasty

A septoplasty is a surgery for treating nasal blockage. A deviated septum is a displacement of the wall between the nostrils and often causes these blockages. Enlarged bone structures called turbinates might also block parts of the nose. A surgeon will also perform a septoplasty to treat long-term sinusitis, remove nasal polyps, and treat other conditions that [...]

Chapped Lips: Best Home Remedies

Chapped lips are a great source of discomfort, and manifest with the formation of cracks and dried peeling skin on the lips. The condition is also referred to as cheilitis, and usually affects the lower lip although there are many instances where both lips are affected. In addition to the cracks, chapped lips also cause [...]

Dark Circles: Home Remedies

Dark circles around the eyes are a common occurrence in individuals who do not get enough sleep, but it is also important to note that there are other causes of these circles. In some instances, dark circles are merely the shadows created by puffy eyes. Other causes of dark circles include allergic reactions, eczema and [...]

Boil: Home Remedies

A boil also referred to as a skin abscess or furuncle, is a type of infection on the skin. This infection usually starts in the oil gland. It may also result from the infection of a hair follicle. At the onset of the boil formation, the skin becomes reddened before giving way to a slight [...]

The Early Signs of Skin Cancer

Some of the most common signs of skin cancer may include a reddish patch that refuses to heal, a sore that bleeds seems to heal then reemerges, may look like a mole on the skin but develops much faster or appearance of a large spot with dark speckles, as stated by the American Academy of [...]

Egg White for Hair

When you crack open a raw egg, you reveal two distinct parts: the yellow egg yolk and egg white (albumen). While the yolk contains all the fat in the egg, the egg white contains most of the protein. Egg whites are complete proteins containing all the essential amino acids. You need protein in your diet to build, maintain, and replace [...]

What Is the Peeling Skin Trend ?

If you’re obsessed with skin care trends, you’ve probably seen the Perfect Derma Peel posted all over skin care blogs. And it’s hard to miss — the Perfect Derma Peel is all about the peeling. (Caution: Going through the images under #perfectpeel may make your inner worrywart come out.) The layers and layers you’re seeing are thin sheets [...]

Hyperpigmentation: 8 Treatment Options

Hyperpigmentation is a medical term used to describe darker patches of skin. These patches result from excess melanin production, which can be caused by everything from acne scars and sun damage to hormone fluctuations. If you’re dealing with hyperpigmentation, know that you aren’t alone. Hyperpigmentation is a common skin condition, and there are a number of [...]


At Richmond Hill Cosmetic Clinic, our highly trained and experienced team of board-certified cosmetic doctors and other medical professionals are devoted to helping you look and feel your very best.

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